Friday, January 23, 2009

Lost Opportunity

I just found out that while I was randomly posting while drunk the other night because I was alone and all my friends were otherwise busy, a very good friend of mine from Georgia, nicknamed wickedone, who I know through a forum I belong to, was actually visiting about 20 minutes from where I live. She was literally down the street.

I hate lost opportunity! Whenever I miss an opportunity, I feel a gift was just handed to me that I ignored.

It's easy to realize you've missed a big opportunity. But what about the small the chance to smile at someone who looks a little savoring the taste of that fresh spring strawberry and relishing it's juiciness running down your taking a walk on a blustery day and instead of covering up and looking at your feet, lifting your head and noticing how the trees move, how the birds still fly, how the world is in motion.

I quote one of my friends who used to always say, "some people say 'Good God, it's morning!'...I say 'Good morning God!" This same person also said "...another day waking up above ground is a good day."

It's all about attitude, isn't it? If you have the attitude of gratitude, it's going to be a good day. If you love all things, you appreciate every opportunity.

So I'm pretty bummed about missing wickedone. It's not really likely I'll get another opportunity to see her IRL again. But I'm happy that she got the opportunity to come up this way and see another part of the country.

In the meantime, I'll be practicing my readiness for whatever the day brings.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Random Drunk Posting

Another Saturday night and I ain't got no body...

The boys are working tonight and here I sit, browsing the internets trying to find companionship and someone to party with. Sad. My RL friends either live a pretty good distance from me, or have plans tonight.

I found some kahlua and some vodka and some milk, so I decided to drink and blog. Not sure if this is a good idea, as I might post something I regret.

Like how I initially kind of liked Michael Castro's audition on American Idol (he IS cute for the teeny-boppers in the world) but that I think his "ballsiness" is a coverup for being an insecure teenaged boy who isn't sure yet about his sexuality. And how his tryout begs for comparisons to his sexy older brother, Jason, who has inherently more passion about music. In truth, there is no comparison.

I might be less likely to keep my mouth (fingers?) shut about a certain co-worker for her negative attitude or how adorable I think a man who coaches my son's hockey team is.

I have flung sheep, thrown snowballs, sent drinks and little potted plants to every friend I have on Facebook and I'm hoping they'll still want to be my friend after tonight. I've left comments for MySpace friends (can you delete those?)
Random drunk posting is never a good idea. Random drunk anything is probably not a good idea.

About Me

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Thank you for viewing my blog. I nearly wrote "weblog," only hesitating because I realized I would sound very un-hip....a word which inofitself is un-hip. Ugh. Such is my life. My 17-year-old son was once telling me a story about a school friend who was getting on his nerves because this friend was so emotional. I was sharing this story with a youngish co-worker recently, describing his friend as "emu." She looked at me with a puzzled expression and asked, "do you mean "emo?" Believe it or not, I used to be cool. Anyway, maybe that gives you a little insight into my life experiment, where everyday is a new challenge. I hope I won't ramble and that I'll bring you a little laughter in my attempt to be thought-provoking.
